Village Center Study Area

For the purposes of this community planning process, the “study area” of Harper’s Choice Village Center has been demarcated as shown below and comprises ~79 acres.  

Harper’s Choice Village Center Study Area Map

The planning committee gave substantive consideration to what would be an effective study area for this planning effort given that clear boundaries of the Village Center did not previously exist. It was determined that Harper’s Farm Road was a clear boundary for the Village Center on the South, with the inclusion of the pedestrian cross walk and immediately adjacent pathways. To the West the boundary was created between the commercial property and recreational property and the residential property further West. To the East the demarcation was set to include the Athletic Club and the pathway that connects the Village Center to the Longfellow neighborhood.  The biggest consideration was how far North to make the boundary.  It was considered that the boundary could be drawn to just include the sports park and the Florence Bain and Winter Growth properties, and not the Middle School and associated fields. However, for the sake of considering synergies and connections with the school and with the communities on the other side of the school property, the boundary was extended to include the school properties.